5 Ways to Get Your Blog Noticed Quickly and Easily

May 11, 2017
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If you’ve just started a new blog – you probably want to get the word out there. You might not even know where to start. Thankfully – there are a number of quick and easy tips you can use to promote your blog, so you can start getting visitors as soon as possible. We’re going to look at some of them.

1. Add great content to your site

You blog should have great content as it’s foundation. While great content won’t get visitors by itself (especially if nobody knows about it) – it’s still hugely important.
Get Your Blog Noticed Quickly
Far too many new blogs throw up spammy, poorly written content that is neither unique nor interesting. This isn’t a recipe for success. The better the content – the more people will talk about or share your site. Make sure you offer something different and new, and you’ll stand out from countless blogs who take their visitors for granted and don’t offer them anything worth returning for.

2. Use social bookmarks and content syndication networks

Every time you write a great new post for your blog – bookmark it or syndicate it. There are sites out there waiting to share your content and give you a new audience for your posts. Most of them are free, too.

Social bookmarks are also a great way to index all your new content as quickly as possible as they’re crawled by search engine bots regularly.

Syndicating content can help share your posts with potential new visitors and it’s a great way to get the word out there about your site without taking much effort at all. It’s quick, and it’s easy.

3. Be active on social media

Treat social media as a two-way street – don’t just take any followers you’ve got for granted. Be active and share exclusive offers and content with them and you’ll be rewarded with loyalty. Happy followers will help spread the word about your site to all their friends, for free. It’s a marketing tool that shouldn’t be ignored.

Make sure all your posts have “share” buttons so that people can quickly click them and let all their friends know. If you’ve got popular, well written and interesting content that’s easy to share, your audience should grow.

4. Get involved in your niche

Don’t just throw your site up and ignore other blogs in your industry. You might see them as competitors, but they could help you grow your audience, quickly and easily. Visit relevant forums in your niche and make yourself known for being an active contributor with something interesting to say. Make sure your forum signature contains links to your site and promote your best content – but try not to be too spammy.

5. Make sure your site is optimized for search engines

SEO has become a huge industry in recent years – and for good reason. The majority of sites get most of their visitors from search engines, so optimizing for them is a must. Make sure you’ve got all the on-page SEO set up correctly (Yoast SEO plugin is useful for WordPress blogs) and that you’ve got things like sitemaps in order. Start building genuine links regularly to boost your off-page SEO.

About the author

Keith Elton has years of experience writing about SEO and educating those new to internet marketing. He knows how important education can be in all industries, and he also works for a private tuition service in Singapore.

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